Real Estate Appraisal Invermay 7248 Tasmania

How Much is my Home Worth in Invermay?

On January 2, 2019, the median price for a house in Invermay was $290,000. On the same date, the median price of a unit was $397,000. To date, there have been 58 houses sold and 6 units sold this year. Of all the house sales 38 were 3 bedroom houses. The DSR or Demand to Supply Ratio rates an investment in a house as very good. A very good rating indicates there is a strong demand for houses in Invermay but not enough properties. Vendors do not have to wait long until they receive a healthy offer. Prices are going up and you can expect capital growth in the immediate future.
The 12-month capital growth in Invermay is at 13.6% for houses. The average annual capital growth is 3.84% for houses. It takes on average approximately 14 days to sell a house.
House prices and weekly rent returns in Invermay

  • 2 bedroom house $245,500 Rent per week $270
  • 3 bedroom house $315,000 Rent per week $315
  • 4 bedroom house No Data Rent per week $320

Unit prices and weekly rent returns in Invermay

  • 2 bedroom unit No Data Rent per week $250

The gross rental yield is 5.49% for houses.

Free Real Estate Appraisal Invermay

Are you contemplating selling your home or unit? Or, do you own an investment property you want to know the market value? Our property appraisal team provides a free property appraisal of homes, units or land. We base our market price on recent sales history. We also factor in the location of schools, shops, and amenities. We will present a professional report as to the current value of your home.
Real estate appraisal Invermay 7248 Tasmania

Free Rental Appraisal Invermay

Are you moving and want to rent ou your home? Or, do you own an investment property and need the services of a property manager? Our property management team manage multiple properties. The will give you a free and accurate appraisal of your expected weekly rental return. Our staff uses the latest software to perform routine inspections, collect the rental fee and maintain your property. Each landlord receives full tax accounting documentation in a format of your choice.

Property Valuation Invermay

Are you aware there is a difference between a property appraisal and a property valuation? If for some legal reason you need your property valued then you must engage the services of a registered valuer. This service will come with a see. Appraisals can be performed by a licenced real estate agent. In this case, our appraisers will do this for free.

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